
Your Local Logistics Provider


  • No. 102 Middle Jiangdong Rd A2101,2102, 2111,2112, Wanda Plaza,
  • 210019
  • Nanjing
  • Part of the Distributors.Network From TradeDigitization.com

    For Local Trade Opportunities for Buyers and Sellers, access Buyers or Sellers through an applicable B2B Marketplace. Applicable B2B Marketplaces include TradeKey China

    For Buyers, after concluding a transaction, come back and use the Digital Trade Features at this site, to access a local infrastructure to execute agreed Transactions, in a faster and more secure manner.

    For Sellers, use the Warehousing and Logistics Services provided by the designated Logistics Provider, in using the Trade Digitization Tools provided to you.

    Facilitating Jiangsu Trade

    Jiangsu.Trade is part of the TRADE GATEWAYS network which partners with TradeKey to provide Trade Gateways for Manufacturers and Producers. Jiangsu.Trade is the Trade Gateway for Jiangsu.

    The TRADE GATEWAYS partnership is at Marketplaces.Trade, which is powered by TradeKey. TradeKey have over 10 million registered users, who use the platform to source and sell products. Your Local Logistics Provider provides Services for Jiangsu.Trade in ways that include the following.

    Facilitating Trade

    Sales emanating from Marketplaces.Trade to Buyers in Jiangsu and by Buyers in Jiangsu are made ex Warehouse in many cases, with delivery to designated warehouses.

    Your local Logistics Provider operates the designated warehouse for Jiangsu. After delivery, individual operators can then make arrangements with them for fulfilment.

    Facilitating Financing

    An upcoming feature is that Jiangsu.Trade will also be servicing an Invoices Finance Programme for Buyers in Arizona. The invoices finance programme, would require a sales paper trail to include order confirmations, proof of delivery, warehouse receipts, etc

    Suppliers would deliver to a designated warehouse, who would provide a warehouse receipt as proof of delivery so that funds could be released by the bank providing the invoices finance. That designated warehouse is the one operated by your local Logistics Provider.

    Digital Signature Authentication

    Since Covid, Digital Signatures have become more of a feature. A key feature of Jiangsu.Trade is that Documents are digitally signed, and authenticated as being from the IP address of Jiangsu.Trade. This is something that can be readily verified as required, by all relevant parties to a transaction.

    Other Logistics Services

    Your local Logistics Provider is an experienced and established operator who knows Arizona well, and can provide a range of logistics services